World Refugee Day- and the roots of a metaphor
root metaphors”: 1) the metaphor of "ascent," 2) the metaphor of "fecundity," and 3) the metaphor of "migration to a good land."
The Ascent of Humankind
The spiritual and ecological motifs arise out of three root metaphors that form the foundational assumptions and beliefs for the motifs. two of these metaphors - the metaphors of ascent and fecundity - seem to depend on a primary experience in human history- the "experience of the overwhelming mountain.
What they don't teach you in Geography class about the lines on the maps is the most important thing about borderlines in the world today they are invisible. The lines between individuals and and nation states, the line that divides the north (the core region) where most of the landmass is from the south where most of the people are and the invisible lines between the global reach of increasingly global corporations and the nation state .
The "bounding line":
"The end of linear writing is indeed the end of the book . . . "—Jacques Derrrida
"Nature knits up her kinds in a network, not in a chain; but men can follow only by chains because their language can't handle several things at once."—Albrecht von Haller
Since adding this post about a CNN documentary about refugees with Angelina Jolie I also watched a documentary on the history of the Congo and Belgium's Prince Leopold. He once owned the entire Congo region. That's right owned it not colonized or ruled it, but owned the entire region!
In the documentary they said that Leopold killed nearly ten million Congolese people in the late 1800's and early 1900's in a brutal attempt to extract profit from the area. Including many horrific acts where much the same as Ms. Jolie portrayed people's limbs are hacked off as a form of terror.
The lineal and spatial logic of refugeeism
And the lines keep getting longer
A lot of celebrities have causes and show up to talk about them when cameras are around, but the truth is that Angelina Jolie knows what she is talking about when the subject is refugees. To use a cliche, she doesn't just talk the talk, she walks the walk. She has traveled to some 20 countries over the years as a goodwill ambassador for the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees, and she says she donates one-third of her income to charitable causes." -Anderson Cooper, CNN
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