Are things really all that different in the middle of the world?

Fractal image of water going down the drain
"NASA is run by men with Newtonian goals"-McLuhan
"At the equator water flows the opposite way. Satelites face up instead of at an angle. But is life really different there? Arthur C. Clarke wrote a sequel to 2001 a space odyssey in which he postulates the need to build a space elevator as a away to colonize space in a more economical way than we currently approach outer space with rocket propulsion today.
Clarke says that the materials (high tension carbon fibre ropes are available now and that this would involve relay stations for the elevator that would be anchored at the equator. Of course the debate over the need for space colonization goes on. And as time moves on interest seems to be waning for manned space colonies.
Especially when we have so much poverty right here on earth. Cost benefit analysis probably shows that deep space explorers teach us more about the universe. However some scientists feel that such a venture is exactly what the world needs to give us a common sense of purpose to help us break out of the rich get richer poor get poorer world pyramid of human existence we now live with in our current habitat and environment namely planet earth. Very ambitious indeed. Hmm... maybe life in the middle of the world could be different." Terry
Space Elevator-Anchored on the Equator
Jupiter viewed from the Moon Titan
Cool, I love your pictures!
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