Friday, December 22, 2006

Living Landscapes Costa Rica HD

A High Definition 5.1 surround-sound experience of the magic of Costa Rica's Cloudforest from's Living Landscape Series.

High Definition DVD available Spring 2006 from Designed to transform your home theatre into a tropical cloud forest through the magic of High Defintion Video, 5.1 surround sound and inspiring original music. High Definition stock footage available from Monte Verde, Osa Peninsula, birds, butterflies, flowers, monkeys, sloths, beaches. Pura Vida!

Thursday, December 21, 2006

Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting

Tuesday, December 05, 2006

Personal Autonomy

To be autonomous is to be a law to oneself; autonomous agents are self-governing agents. Most of us want to be autonomous because we want to be accountable for what we do, and because it seems that if we are not the ones calling the shots, then we cannot be accountable. More importantly, perhaps, the value of autonomy is tied to the value of self-integration. We don't want to be alien to, or at war with, ourselves; and it seems that when our intentions are not under our own control, we suffer from self-alienation.
What conditions must be satisfied in order to ensure that we govern ourselves when we act?
Philosophers have offered a wide range of competing answers to this question.
We are back where we started. The demand to be permitted to govern ourselves reflects the conviction that we are, in essence, self-governors. In essence, but not always in fact. Sometimes our authority over our actions is nothing but the form of self-government. Sometimes we are not autonomous agents. If, then, the structure of rational agency justifies our conviction that we are capable of governing our own actions, it does not hold the key to the distinction between those cases in which we fail to exercise this capacity and those in which we succeed.
The conviction that there is such a distinction is grounded in the obvious fact that victims of brainwashing, compulsion, addiction, depression, anxiety, and many other conditions are prevented from governing themselves. If their lack of autonomy is not simply a function of the fact that their actions are causally determined by states of affairs over which they have no control, and if it is not equivalent to any fact about the considerations they are disposed to recognize and be moved by, then it would seem to be a more intrinsic feature of their agency.
No particular attitude seems to be essential to autonomous agency, however — except, of course, the attitude of authorization that is essential to all action for a reason. Nor is it necessary that any particular principles of reasoning serve the autonomous agent as guides — except, again, whatever principles must guide the action of even nonautonomous agents. The content of our desire to govern ourselves when we act thus remains obscure to us, even as the legitimacy of this desire is clear.

Friday, December 01, 2006

World on Fire

What's wrong with this video?
It cost $150,000, but only $15 to produce. Where did all the money go?

A Message from Sarah McLachlan:

When Sophie Muller and I made World on Fire, our hope was to show how easy it can be to use your wealth to help make immeasurable improvements in peoples lives. Media that Matters is about people making the switch from apathy to action. I’m so happy to have World on Fire be recognised as a motivator of that kind of change.

"We need not a human answer to an earth problem, but an earth answer to an earth problem. The earth will solve its problems, and possibly our own, if we will let the earth function in its own ways. We need only listen to what the earth is telling us."

For this hearing to occur, humanity needs a better story by which to live: "We need a story that will educate us, a story that will heal, guide, and discipline us." In this story we need to imagine ourselves less as "a being on the earth or in the universe than a dimension of the earth and indeed of the universe itself."
8th Annual Convention of the Media Ecology Association

Alpharetta on Fire

A "local addition" to the song World on Fire by Sarah Mclaughlin. This song encourages people to abandon the excess of life in order to help the local Atlanta area.


音乐:天使 by Sarah Mclaughlin
影像:北极仙境 BBC Creative Archive


无家的茹 作品(2006夏)