Friday, September 05, 2008

The concept behind this project was to explore autonomy as a medium. I was interested in a career in media but had no direction. I began to develop a theory that focused on the medium of writing and it's processes (creative, critical and technical) as a potential creative avenue that might lead me to greater independence possibly as a writer for media or writing about media or both simultaneously.

This diagram is not a tetrad but perhaps is in the form of a metaphor-autonomy and it's integral processes (creative, critical, technical)

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The transition from analog media to digital-writing is the central issue or metaphor being examined-that words are central metaphors now in motion at lightspeed as in scriptwriting where words are in motion and must be put in order.
Initially I couldn't decide what form the role of my research should take-on writing for example in 1. a critical sense such as a professor would do or 2. technical as a journalist or 3. creative like a scriptwriter or 4. in a particular genre, as forms of specialization or using it as in 5. multimedia in relation to other skills.
I finally settled on a third and final metaphor that of the relationship of scripting to multimedia and began to design some online-multimedia content.
The inclusions of the project centre around a critique of what happens to the two forms of autonomy-personal and media when the writing process goes online and where these three metaphors that are central to this process meet up creatively, technically and critically.
The message of this critique is the task of giving identity to both voice and an audience to these metaphors by learning how to apply imagination to put on words and make some order out of this seeming chaos when these metaphors collide.



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